[h2]In Comes the Mayor![/h2] [b]"What? What do you mean you let Charlie send the letters?! He's only been here for a week!!"[/b] On his cellphone, a shorter, slightly chubby man went huffing down the halls. [b]"Does he even know who he sent it to? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HIT SEND ALL?!"[/b] The man, circles under his eyes and flushed tired cheeks came to a stop outside his office. [b]"Susan, I'll call you back. I'm going in now."[/b] As soon as his pudgy thumb hit the end call button and he whipped some sweat off his forehead, the Mayor jumped almost a foot off the ground as he heard crashes from inside his office. Hans' face paled, body twitching in shock. [b]"Oh, Dear God..."[/b] The mayor slowly opened the doors, face lacking all emotion as he watched the chaos. [color=tomato]"Yeah? Well that means you can sit on it and spin!"[/color] Shouted Violet in response to Jayce's lovely mention of her mother. The gang leader didn't have time to reply to the cheerleader, too busy snarling at the feisty male. The mayor's brown eyes followed the blur of a skinny boy being thrown across the room, who quickly crawled away into a corner after he promptly landed with his back on the floor after hitting the aggressive Jayce. Then, spikes tore through the mayor's beloved office making his jaw drop in an inaudible scream. [b]"...The insurance doesn't cover shadowy mutant spikes, I don't believe..."[/b] He muttered weakly to himself. The mayor stomped in, grabbing the second boy in Richard's hands and pulling him away. [b]"No throwing people!"[/b] He whipped the tarot cards away, making Violet jolt up in her chair. [color=tomato]"What the hell?!"[/color] [b]"No card reading! No cursing!"[/b] He then went to Jayce, pulling the cigarette from his hand and snubbing it out on the floor. [b]"No smoking!"[/b] [color=tomato]"Jeez. Buzzkill."[/color] The mayor, exhausted, plopped into his office chair and put his head in his hands with a quiet groan. He wasn't paid enough for this... Finally, he managed to raise his head with a sigh to look at the group before him. A bunch of misfits, they were! Oh, he had a headache... Hans' dug into his drawer for aspirins, downing them without water and taking another deep sigh. [b]"...Alright then. My name is Mayor Stephen Hans. It's... a pleasure, to meet you all."[/b] The mayor took another glance around the room, stifling a wince. [b]"If you read my letter, you know why I called you here. There is a great evil that is plaguing our city, and soon it could consume us. The Voodoo Man is someone controlling these recent outbursts of villains who are attacking citizens. The only way to fight them is with our own generation of mutants... "Generation X." You will all be paid for your services in protecting the city, but the only catch is.... you have to work together."[/b] Unsurprisingly, Violet was the first one to jump from her seat and oppose this. [color=tomato]"What? Hell no! Why should I have to work with Octopussy over there?!"[/color] She paused to point accusingly at Jayce. [color=tomato]"Uh uh, fuck that."[/color] The white haired woman crossed her arms stubbornly. [b]"Well, then, you can leave. We need all of your collective powers, and that means working together. On your own, none of you can defeat Voodoo Man. You need each other."[/b] Violet clicked her tongue in distaste. [b]"You will all have code names, so we won't call you by your real names in public. Here's the list."[/b] He put a stapled few papers together on the desk. As the heroes flipped through to see their respective hero names, a call came through. The mayor answered. [b]"Hello? What, at Grove Park?! Oh no!"[/b] Hans slammed the phone down, standing bolt upright from his chair. [b]"Generation X! There's no time! A villain has appeared at the Barbecue Bash in Good Grove Park, there's children there! Please, you must hurry!"[/b] Max's black eyes widened at the mention of children, and in a blink of the eye he disappeared. Teleporting as fast as he could to the park, his main goal was to get the citizens to safety. [color=tomato]"Eh? Already? Alright, I'll burn them to a crisp!!"[/color] Violet pounded her fist into her hand excitedly, going to the window and flashing a wink and a peace sign at the rest of the group. [color=tomato]"See you guys there!"[/color] And off she went, rushing down towards the park. Their first villain! Let's see if the heroes can handle it... [i]Go get him, Generation X![/i] [@Weird Tales][@GarlandDaHero][@l0ck0n][@Utrax][@FallenTrinity][@Depressedsoviet][@Burning Kitty][@Blight Bug][@blumenk][@sugarrush][@ampere]