[color=tomato][h1]Krista Reynolds[/h1][/color] [hr] Today would be Krista's trial by fire. After countless simulated battles; endless trials; and two different Frames, she would finally fire a shot in anger. The Hou Yi hummed around her as she slid into the heated cockpit, the quiet chatter of the machine comforting compared to silence of space and the sound of her own breathing echoing through her helmet. It was nice to hear a familiar voice. The other pilots weren't mean or anything like that, there was just a gulf between her and the veterans that she hadn't yet bridged. Still, she had trained a little with them, and had read up as much as she could on them and their Frames. She wore the Squad Sigma path on her suit. With Steinhardt commanding them, she was confident that they'd be able to make it through this mission. However, as she looked around the battlefield, she couldn't help but note the similarities between the units that were deployed in front of her, and those that attacked her home world. They were just [i]uncanny[/i] looking compared to the computer models. However, she could not turn back, she could not run. Not after spending so long yearning to get into the fight. It was time to, as her cousin would put it, 'cowboy up'. Shaking her head out, she took a deep breath, and let herself fall completely into the Hou Yi's cockpit. She'd deployed next to Ribasu, towards the center of the combat zone. It was a wise choice, as her fire control system told her that the giant crystalline structure and it's Mist-like units were just at the edge of her plasma cannon's effective range. Following Jason's lead, she chimed in. [color=tomato]"This is the Hou Yi. I am in position and ready to open fire. That giant crystal's within range of my cannon. Ready to fire when you are."[/color] Summary: - Starting at F9 - Plan to try and thin out any approaching enemies, and deal with the mini-mists around the big crystal