[@Caits] Pretty sure Vicier herself put a stop to it - and the medical debate - with a post 9 days ago. The one with the cute bird cartoon? Yeah; I figure if the GM chooses not to continue with it, the point has been made, and everyone knows where they stand in the future - ergo, the matter is resolved. I haven't received any messages about the McCree mission from her (no idea about the others) so I assume the matter is dropped. Everyone is getting missions now, and we know not to do side-missions without consulting Vicier in the future. That's been established. The lesson has been learnt. As for Sombra: "willing to sacrifice friends for her own personal gain." - I've already said it wouldn't be beneficial for her for McCree to die. So... yeah. Sticking to my mexican-hacker guns pretty well I think. Again, if you want to continue this - PM me. I welcome constructive criticism, as any writer should.