[b]Name:[/b] Ridley 'Mariner' Harbrookes [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/04/24/09/27EE905A00000578-3051945-Dublin_lad_Donal_Skehan-a-7_1429863247191.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Mariner has always had trouble making friends, unless he was manipulating and blackmailing them for his own success. He is very willing to stomp on people to get to the top, which would lead one to believe he had parenting issues, yet his mother and father were very caring. Underneath all of that, Mariner could be a pretty nice guy, if you somehow beat down the naturally vicious exterior. He also tends to be sarcastic, cynical, and all out hating the world. Well, Earth, that is. When he's working on machines is when he is the happiest you'll ever see him. [b]Desired Job & Qualifications:[/b] He earned an degree in engineering in college, and the extra two years of practice have helped his chances of getting on board. They hired him because of his so-called 'great attitude', and 'skills in machinery'. The first one may have come from blackmailing a teacher. [b]Brief Bio:[/b] From the beginning, Ridley was teased. But at first, he made no sense of it. Instead he made little devices. By the time he was thirteen, though, the teases started to get to him. So he did something about it. He snuck into one of the bully's home and found all the things even remotely embarrassing. He showed it to the bully, and as fast as that, he had him in the palm of his hand. But Ridley didn't stop there. Heck, he didn't even stop at bullies. He was the king of his school. And College was no different. They were all closer, anyways. But there was no challenge. So after he graduated, and NASA wanted him, he agreed. After all, what better place to conquer than the stars. [b]Reason for Wanting to Leave Earth:[/b] Wants a clean slate, and wants success. [b]Anything Else You Want to Add?:[/b] He snuck a gun on board, along with some ammo. 'Just in case'.