[@manapool1][@Scarifar][@Eklispe][@The book of bad Juju][@Menhir][@Lord Szall][@Zepavil][@Satoshi Kyou] The sound of air horns echoed throughout the school as the final bout of the battle royale ended. The picture what was perhaps a ninja appeared on the duel disk of every participant, along with the word "WINNER" underneath their portrait. Soon after, instructions were transferred to the duel disks of the students, telling them to head back to the auditorium. "Standing" on stage was a spherical machine resembling the cafeteria robots, but wearing a suit with a name tag. Anyone close enough could read the name "Prof. Furiko". "CONGRATULATIONS STUDENTS. PAUSE FOR APPLAUSE." the professor started. "THIS CONCLUDES TODAY'S ACTIVITY. SCORES HAVE BEEN EVALUATED BY NUMEROUS FACTORS AS DETERMINED BY TODAY'S EVENT. HOUSES ARE TO BE REWARDED POINTS BASED ON THE GENERAL PERFORMANCE OF THEIR MEMBERS. PROVIDING EXPLANATION OF HOUSE POINTS. AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR, THAT WILL BE THE HOUSE IN WHICH THE HONOR STUDENT SHALL BE CHOSEN. THE WINNING HOUSE ALSO RECEIVES THE HIGHEST WORD IN CONTROLLING SCHOOL POLICY FOR THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR. CURRENT RULING HOUSE: UTOPIA HOUSE. LISTING REWARDED POINTS. 400 POINTS TO ODD-EYES HOUSE. 300 POINTS TO DARK MAGICIAN HOUSE. 200 POINTS TO UTOPIA HOUSE. 100 POINTS TO STARDUST HOUSE. 0 POINTS TO NEOS HOUSE. CONGRATULATIONS. APPLAUD." the professor clapped its metal hands together, a metal clanging echoing through the auditorium. "ASSEMBLY DISMISSED." the professor declared, the doors of the auditorium opening. By the time the entire situation had ended, the sun had already set and most of the higher years had already gotten dinner. Fortunately for everybody, the cafeteria was still open. Waiting at the lunch line, serving what appeared to be Salisbury steak, some red sauce slathered over it, was a muscular man in a mask. This was the only option as an entree, and though it was cooked, the meat was still a little cold. The lunch man, who had apparently replaced the serving robots, wore a grimace under his hairnet and particularly grotesque mask; possibly suggesting there was something even worse to see underneath the mask. [@Blight Bug][@GarlandDaHero] "Tch. I set a card and end my turn." Ryunosuke replied, a card materializing face-down on his field before quickly disappearing. Due to Bram's effect, he could not make a second attack. However, with two strong monsters on the field, he clearly had the advantage.