Start recording. Shit. This is... I'm [url=]Ryobi[/url], one of the guards at Omega Prison. Found a minute, thought we would need some record of the hell that just happened here. Jeez... sorry, still trying to collect my thoughts here. They broke out, tore up the whole fucking place. Half the people I know on this station are probably dead. I'm hiding out in this vent shaft for now. Probably should tell you about myself, just in case this gets out. Ryobi Ito, born in a little town called Tokyo, dunno if you heard of it. Kinda sucked in school, not that I'm dumb or anything. Just didn't see a point in learning grammar or history. Did fine with math and science. Also English. Joined the MPs when I was -- oh, military police if you didn't know. Joined em when I turned 18, no point in going to a university. Came here about 11 years ago when I was ... shit, am I that old? Guess I was 23 then. 34 now. Here I am, telling you my life story like it matters. Prison riot broke out while I was off-duty. Like anyone worth their salt, I rushed in to see if I could help. Didn't exactly take the time to grab all of my gear, figured they would at least guard the weapons locker. By the time I got here, the inmates had gotten loose and were swarming everywhere. From the sound of gunfire, pretty sure they got to the weapons locker first. But I'm smart, resourceful. I can use pretty much any weapon, probably can figure it out if I haven't used it before. I'm fit, got about 100 kilos of muscle on me, 190 centimeters. That's a few inches over six feet and two hundred something pounds for you imperial fucks. I know my way around this station like the back of my hand, hell, spent my first year swabbing all of these vent shafts. I know where they keep the food, spare munitions, where the control room is, all of that. Got pretty chummy with the [url=]warden[/url] too, so I know where she lives. Don't tell my wife. Shit... Sayako. And my kid Benji. They're back home... Benji’s only ten years old, hasn’t even been off the station yet. Cart got swarmed by them thugs just a few minutes after I left it, so I've got no way back but by foot. Hopefully they leave the civs out of this. Fat chance of that. If I know the inmates, a lot of them were tossed in this hellhole due to hostage situations. Most of the rest of those assholes were serving hard time for serial rape and murder. They didn't toss just anyone into Omega Station. This place is meant to be impregnable. The good news is that there aren't gonna be any shuttles docking at the station for a while. The place only restocks every few weeks, and we just got a shipment the other day. The bad news is that now I'm locked in here with them too. If anyone gets this message, the main thing I want to say... you know there's no way they could have gotten out on their own. No fucking way. This place is locked up tighter than a nun’s ass. That means there had to be some help from the inside. My main question is how far up does it go? How many were in on it? Can't trust anyone now. There's a reason why they waited for me to be off-duty, I'm sure. If they didn't take me out while I wasn't looking, I would have gone down swinging. Well, fuckers, you should have killed me in my sleep cause I'm coming for you. I'm coming for every last one of you bitches that helped them escape. And I'm going to make sure all those guys who died, all the civs who get hurt? You're gonna pay for it. And whoever’s at the top, I'll make sure you pay for every last one of them. One of us ain't leaving this station alive. Yeah... so uh... End Recording, I gue-- [hider=Inventory] Civilian clothes: T-shirt, jeans, leather jacket, white socks, and a pair of comfortable sneaker-style boots. Badge: picture identification and ID chip for access into low clearance areas. Wallet: Photo ID/license, ATM card, picture of wife and son, card with emergency medical information written on it (blood type, insurance, etc), $30 cash in ten dollar bills, gym membership card - not filled out, coupon for half-off a soda - expired 6 months ago. Keys: house, vandalized golf cart, work locker. Phone: no service or wifi access, only good as an audio recorder. Battery at 74%. From Jan's office: Duty belt with pistol, baton, pepper spray, flashlight, pass keys, and multitool. Two boxes of ammo, one half full (about 70 rounds) Backpack with Jan's phone, mp3 player, journal, pepper spray, and hand sanitizer, as well as a small bag of Jan's personal items. Left behind in Jan's office in a locked drawer: Makeshift knife from Lilian Gardea's cell, Jan Pryce's wallet and other personal effects. [/hider]