[center][h1]Earth-727[/h1][/center] The year is 2020 and mutants are being hunted down by a rouge sect of S.H.I.E.L.D. known as F.I.S.T. ([b]F[/b]aith, [b]I[/b]mmortality, [b]S[/b]alvation, [b]T[/b]ranscendence). They are known for radical experiments and testing on mutants and are led by an extremist by the name of Doctor David Swift. He was once a renown and proud scientist of S.H.I.E.L.D. but with his extremist ideals he was excommunicated. Doctor Swift is scientific man who believes that in order to achieve immortality you need to find a sort of physical transcendence through salvation along with faith, which is how he came to form F.I.S.T. Now the man has used all his powers and resources in finding mutants with various abilities and mutations to achieve his goal of immortality. Mutants who are on the run often try their best blending in with today's society, but there are various camps and refuges hidden in dense forests or underground cities. Always on the run not just from F.I.S.T. but from many others who either seek to harness the power of mutants or eradicate the threat that they bring.[hr]Like stated in the title I am looking for 2 or 3 other people who are interested. I want to keep it small because it will allow for us to work closer together to move throughout the story line that I'm looking for. I also want people who are wanting and willing to put in their input because this is a collaboration effort, not just me coming up with things. If you think this suits your fancy please let me know!