[@Heckno12] Hopefully I didn't go too overboard with this new stuff, but here's what I've got so far. [hider=New Stuff] [b]Attunement/enhancements:[/b] [i][b]Enhancements:[/b][/i] Mien has a number of enhancements designed to help her do one thing: Espionage, Killing and getting away with it, and survive even mostly fatal wounds. Of course, none of these augments were given in a consensual manner, but they are useful regardless. She also has been given a few genetic modifications from a young age to help in certain 'asset' areas. [i][u]Type-N Nanomachines:[/u][/i] These black market, self-replicating Arraxi make machines were designed for two purposes. Firstly, they act as both an immuno booster for keeping away sickness, cleaning the bloodstream of any unwanted foreign material such as poison and other toxins, etc. They generally are there for keeping Mien in top physical condition no matter what, and to promote the healing of wounds as well as muscle growth, earning a much more effective workout from even light exercise. A small cut could heal in minutes, a medium sized gash could heal completely in a day or two. Even a fatal wound, if treated correctly within time could be healed with just a small scar. They are fairly self autonomous and function well enough on their own. They are genetically 'locked' to Mien, however, and will not function for anyone else and will shut down the moment outside of her bloodstream. If scanned, they appear no different than any other standard human make machines of similar model. While a normal person would only have them present in their bloodstream, they have also taken residence in Mien's outer covering of Goo, which leads to some interesting applications considering that these are, indeed, black-market nanomachines with a second deadly function. She comments they're the reason her goo is actually silver colored. In short, Mien has top-human physical strength, reaction times, as well as better healing than most humans could possibly hope to have without having replaced limbs with artificial ones. [i][u]Neural Link Focus: NLF[/u][/i] Nervous system uplink via a small implant just above the right ear that's connected to her nervous system. It brings up a holographic display that can do a number of things similar to those with artificial eyes. Mostly, its for monitoring her own physical conditions, give limited readings about the conditions of the area, give her reads on technology and allows her to interface with them via wireless connections if she's close enough. It allows her control over the nanomachines present in her bloodstream and has an on-board computer that handles the more complex tasks after being given a command. [i][b]Unique Abilities:[/b][/i] [i][u]Type-N Nanomachines:[/u][/i] As previously stated, they are black market and illegal for a reason. Traditionally, these model of Nanomachines were used to discreetly assassinate certain organics for either the Arraxi government. While at first they do function as something that can keep one extremely healthy and in peak physical condition, they have a second function that makes them rather dangerous. That function, is the complete and utter destruction of a creatures organic material. With the Neural Uplink she has a somewhat limited control over this function. The ability of this function is dulled somewhat by the fact the nanomachines simply can not function outside of Mien's bloodstream or outer shell of goo, but it's still fairly dangerous for any organic to have a large amount on them. Once activated, they will eat away at organic material for approximately 1 second before shutting down completely, leaving only metal residue behind. For the most part, they do not affect Mien since with the help of the Uplink she can simply either shut them down or have the other nanomachines deal with them. If one were to touch her outer layer of goo whilst this function was activated, though... With some modifications they could possibly also break down purely metal substances, but their main function is to keep Mien healthy and in peak-physical condition possible for an organic and the function is only a backup in worst-case scenarios. [i][u]Machine Override:[/u][/i] While Miens' skill with understanding computer code and other such complexities are in question, it doesn't particularly matter when a computer can do most of those things for you. The uplink is able to hack machines via wireless connections and override them and give them a new set of commands. Wireless alarms, robots, etc. The only condition is that they must be capable of wireless communication. With enough time, it could theoretically hack almost anything. It can only have one open connection at a time though. Trying to do multiple things, typically ends with a severe headache and perhaps worse. She has never tested that theory. [/hider]