Let me get one thing clear. I am not attacking sombra. I am not judging her. I'm judging the fact that something was done without GM knowledge or frankly permission that has screwed the roleplay up so royally it's taken us weeks to even get it this far back on track. But in actual fact I wasn't just saying the sombra thing. I was saying that everyone needs to tell Vicier at least part of what's going on somgjat she can adapt to it and it's not going to screw things over. But once more my point has completely been missed, and it seems I'm trying to be painted as the unreasonable one. For simply asking a simple request and that is that the GM knows what is going on. And not that it is any of your business but I had actuallybstarted that post before that joke. Before any of that, two days ago. So it was not prompted by that joke. It was promoted by ic posts quite frankly. And I have said this before. It is not just sombra. Somwhy would I send a Pm when quite frankly it's something everyone needed to be reminded off? I'm not going to sit there and make sure I've got everyone's names right to send a mass pm, when it's obvious that it needed to be addressed here. But once more, my point has been blown right out of proportion and it's been made into a bigger thing then it should be. And as you can now see his issue has actually lead us to change our missions which has lead to Sodomite leaving. We had better missions. Yet because of what's has happened, because we weren't told, we couldn't adapt to it. And it effected things so much that we couldn't integrate missions that would be beneficial to talon as well. This is why we need to know things, or Vicier at least. Because as of right now, it just feels like sombra is sitting there on top of the world controlling things--and that's is not an attack a time sombra nor middle earth. The character is fine. The implementation of what has happened isn't. I cannot make myself any clearer then I have.