Ambrose watched with eagle eyes as Caleb performed the spell, tucking away the memory for another time he might need it. Then, suddenly, the landscape had completely changed. The cool breeze of the night hit his face and he exhaled, releasing his long held breath. But as soon as he breathed in, the party scene hit him. The party was clearly already well-underway, the crowd rowdy and cheerful as they let loose for the night. Surprisingly, the scene was not unfamiliar for the introvert. Especially the small pockets of people in a circle, sharing crushed pills and other hard drugs. At the sight of that, Ambrose swallowed thickly and tried to instead focus on Caleb's smile. Ambrose let himself be led by Caleb, letting his hand on his arm rest there for a heartbeat longer then necessary before letting go. He nodded politely as he was introduced to several people, and all of them seemed to be friendly with Caleb. Ambrose tried to put on his best social face, which was more of a tense smile honestly. "People like Rachel probably just need a good friend honestly." He said with a shrug, he paused to look up at Caleb as he mentioned his relationship status. "Ah, I see. Well you've made it longer then I ever have honestly." He admitted with a soft chuckle, patting Caleb lightly on the shoulder. Ambrose met the gaze of Alex briefly, letting out a nervous giggle as he did. Okay, so there are way too many attractive people here. Everyone seemed so radiant and comfortable in their own skin. A drastic change of pace to what he was used to. He was nodding along as Caleb explained the layout but stiffened as he realized he was being pulled to the crowded dance floor. "Oh no no no," He shook his head, "Not until I have at least a couple drinks in me."