Zoey intercepted the energy ball with a throwing star and grabbed Zuri, popping up a few feet away from where the shadow she dragged them through. Upon coming out of that shadow, Zoey was a full wolf, with glowing purple lines tattooing her body. She hopped on top of a bin and howled, the scene around them slowly changing to night. What was really happening was that Zoey had put Zuri down on a different cargo bin and popped up on the other one, starting an illusion. It was strong, but it was mostly for our friend the birthday boy. She was still trying to figure out the best way to take out someone who could known everything before it happens. Some leading theories: Act erratic and unpredictable, which was unlikely to work. Do so much at the same time it's difficult to keep track. Or just be a better fighter. Lets see which works. She fell through the ground again and popped up out of a shadow, throwing an elbow to the back of his head.