[hider=Gentle Giant][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iBfm0MA.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Name: Cynthia Gender: Female Age: 17 Serial #: 497 Appearance: Outside her armor, Cynthia would've already had been tall and built if she were a normal human, but thanks to augmentation she has a very bulky build and stands at about 7'5". Her long, black hair has a beautiful sheen to it and the purple highlights at the tip of her hair gives her a flashy look. Her eyes were a deep hazel before augmentation and now have become a pale, golden color. Specialty: Brute Personality: Despite her daunting and menacing appearance, Cynthia really has a kind and caring personality, a little too caring for some. In training, anybody she took down would immediately hear the word "Sorry" come from her mouth and this would carry on into actually combat, despite being well aware that she is incapacitating or killing someone she would always say sorry. Its not like she doesn't know her own strength, rather she is a little against violence and would much rather see a peaceful solution or, when peace isn't an option, a solution that won't get her squad mates killed. Weapon of Choice: Gravity Hammer or bare handed if need be[/hider]