[Tirñea]        As the cart began to depart, Tirñea held her staff close to the smaller striking end in order to be able to reach the ground from where she sat. One smack as the cart began moving, another after the cart had travelled a dozen feet or so, and one more for good measure after the cart gained some momentum. Sierpe understood, the wurm following deeper underground and away from the road where his tunneling wouldn't be too disruptive. The effort to keep up with the cart was noticeable in what stray thoughts would reach Tirñea, the underground of this land apparently 'uncomfortable' in how different it was to the sands of Piñura. Tirñea returned her own thoughts, claiming it just needed some getting used to, and received thoughts of a slight hunger building. Sierpe hadn't eaten properly since they'd boarded the cargo ship, and that had been a little more than a week ago. Normally he could go a little longer than that without eating anything, but the extra exertion of this new terrain might be causing him to focus more on such things.        Her train of thought disrupted by Veronica breaking the silence of their ride, Tirñea pulled her staff away from where it hung low to the ground and let it rest beside her with one hand on it keep from it falling. "A, uh, spell?" Tirñea replied, unfamiliar with the term. She thought about it for a moment, recalling how other people had reacted to the way she struck the earth before this, all of them assuming it was some sort of earth weaving magic. It was an effective lie, Sierpe pushing the sand up sometimes looking like magic. "A spell is to mean incantation, yes? Then yes, a spell, for uh... good fortune to follow," Tirñea continued, deciding the best lie was one that was partially true. Sierpe wasn't a good luck charm, but his protection certainly was as beneficial as one could be.