[color=red]"...This is a fighting tournament, laowai!"[/color] Garbage stopped enjoying playing "La Vie en Rose" for the robots for the split second she was allowed to before being so rudely interrupted and studied the crowd for the source of the noise and trying to find what Laowai might be. She hadn't the time of course, because a lightning launcher had materialised itself out of mid air, or at least she thought it was a lightning launcher, it did occur that it could be the other life form that shouted at her and if it really was a lightning launcher it wasn't one from her Universe. [color=red]"You're going to have to get..."[/color] Her suspicions were confirmed when a trumpet honk was drowned out by a the burst fire of the weapon. Whatever came out the end of it, it pasted narrowly over her head before she'd even been able to react and now there were more. The noise was enough to startle Shelly into flight mode, diving for cover barely noticing even more were now trained on her. Shelly hoped the nearby rocky pillar could take some punishment or this was going to be over quick. [color=red]"...USED TO IT!"[/color] The weapons screamed again drowning out the voice and the accompaniment, perforating the trail end of Garbage's cloak, mid dive. Shelly collided clumsily with the floor, not helped at all by the accordion strapped to her chest, and scrambled to get the rest of her limbs safely out of harms way. She had a moment to breath now but she expected it wouldn't be for long, he'd be moving into flank her soon. Garbage tried to strategise. He's talking still, that's a good start, without that he couldn't even be reasoned with. He's being paying attention to her, so she had to be having some sort of effect on him, not that she'd be able to use it yet, they were completely untuned. Her final "in" was music, he didn't seem to take fondly to French classics but maybe something more his style, Orchestral? It seemed a bit of a stretch when he was also firing weapons at her. Dialog seemed the way to go, but she'd have to be careful about her choice of words, the last thing she needed was to look weak or egg him on. He was clearly the competitive type, dangerously so. He needs to feel like he hasn't lost, at the same time he needs to not feel like he's been handed a win. There was a sense of humour buried in there somewhere, dark as it is, one doesn't hand out advice like that while preparing a hail of thunder. Maybe treating him like a bully was the best option, not playing ball, not playing his game, would be enough for him to want to go find someone else who would put up a fight. If this was the best approach she'd already lost a power play by diving into cover, it could be tough coming back from that. it wasn't safe to come back out of cover yet, but she'd have to at some point to show she hadn't anything to hide. "...Huh! Guess it'll be a short one, then! Take it away, maestro!" Even he realised Jiang's weakness for the limelight. She'd have to work on getting her adversary to ignore him, baby steps though. [color=gold]"You're one guy right? Those weren't recordings, how are you playing all those instruments? I can only just manage an accordion."[/color] This was bound to provoke an attack, it encouraging his dark humourous side to display more of his music accompanied barrage. Sure enough, Jiang couldn't resist the chance to demonstrate his skills to a captive audience. The summoned guns cocked sequentially with the beat set by the trumpet's fanfare, and taking aim at the pillar with crash of the drums and screech of the violins. [color=red]"Here, let me SHOW YOU!"[/color] he bellowed as the music crescendos towards the end of the introduction. The noise of the guns firing and the following bullets smashing the concrete ceiling support was deafening. As the rhythmic drumming starts, Jiang calms, a sly grin on his face, [color=red]"In answer to your question, laowai, I am a conductor, I conduct and the music plays."[/color] [i]That answers that, I suppose,[/i] Shelly supposed. The power packed into those weapons was impressive, scarily so. He was a broken individual though, and, given time, Shelly could break him just a little bit more. Shelly was right about the humour, and right about the ego too. Maybe she should continue pushing those buttons. [color=gold]"Its tragic really, a professional musician drowned out by the din of his own firearms, if I was going to die to your soundtrack the least you could do is let me listen to it, its a March right? A military one?" [/color]