[@Killfang96] [quote=@GarlandDaHero] No Link Monsters, but the new ruleset is still in play, sans the 12000 Life Points(debating on anime style 4000 or traditional 8000), which means: -There are now two monster zone categories: Main and Extra. 5 main deck monster zones, as usual, but 2 extra deck monster zones, which each player can only have 1 of their Extra Deck monsters in at a time. -Each player can only have one Extra Deck Monster on the field, and said monster goes to the Extra Monster Zone. However, and this is a homebrew rule, if the ED monster is Special Summoned [i]without[/i] using its respective summoning method, it goes to the Main Monster Zone. Which means stuff like Ultimaya Tzolkin and Utopia Kaiser(which is still kinda unplayable, sadly) can still use their Special Summoning effects without any problems, but Pendulum Monsters summoned from the ED still hit the field one at a time. Additionally, Instant Fusion treats the summon as a Fusion Summon, so the monster still goes to the Extra Monster Zone. -The Pendulum Zones are in the same row as Spell and Trap Cards, and can be used as such. Which means that Pendulum Monsters can be set in the Pendulum Zones now, but are not treated as being in the Pendulum Zone unless they are face-up. [/quote] Basically the rulings are the same as the new format that we'll be getting introduced to later this year, except instead of making the requirement of Link Monsters necessary to summon more than one Extra Deck monster, the zone that was to be used for Link Monsters is now used for Fusion/Synchro/Xyz monsters and therefor limits players to one Extra Deck monster each; Unless they are summoned [b]without using its respective summoning method,[/b] as it says in the quote above. This is to slow down the game a bit, so duels don't only last 3-4 posts each.