[@TwelveOf8] Yay, it's not dead. :D Pretty much nailed the ratings. :3 That "I ain't your boy" is just so damn catchy to me and strong enough lyrics that it doesn't get annoying if it gets stuck in your head. And yeah that hardcore track isn't my favorite of his either. Had a lack of songs to pick from, probably would of gave it an average score only because of the sax. The song is too long for it's own good, most his other tracks are shorter and better for it. Though hardcore can have variety, it's not exactly metal. The vocals almost always stay the same, it seems to be the connecting point of the genre. Though I don't listen to a lot of the hardcore genre either. [@KaijuBaragon] 7/10 Was enjoyable. :3 [hider=Maybe I should reconsider finding tracks I appreciate, especially with the day I had.] Uh...listened to this track randomly and liked it I guess. *shrugs* [/hider] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPICk81yaBw&index=187[/youtube]