[h1]Voting Required - Angry Dragon vs Garbage Round 1![/h1] Alright! With both versions of round 1 posted, everyone has until Monday morning (which should be about a day and a half, on average) to vote using the 'like' system on which is better. [@ColouredCyan], [@obliviousRoadie], good luck to the both of you. I will make one allowance this very first time that will not, I think, ever be repeated. Oblivious, you have the chance to edit your post to expand it if you feel so inclined within the next few hours. After that, though, I don't want to see any edits. On Monday I will call the voting, and the one with the most 'likes' wins. That one becomes canon, and round 2 begins. [quote=@Banana] [@Lugubrious] So do I wait...? [/quote] I'll go ahead and get out a post for you tonight, so yes, but not for long.