[@HereComesTheSnow][@Sho Minazuki][@Suku] [b]Teàrlag Cirsium - "Student Counselor", Armoury[/b] "[color=d8bfd8]That's more or less the basic prerequisite knowledge you'll need,[/color]" I say. A tad of grounding in physics and chemistry doesn't hurt, but the syllabus makes sure to take care of the brats whose brains aren't really foonered up with any knowledge beyond the usual spiel or maybe some small, fancy weapon thing they can mince around with. And I'll definitely be making sure that the kids are all up to speed as quickly as possible. Not because I care that much about their noggins or anything. It's just pragmatic; the better grades the brats get, the more the bigwigs think I'm top bizzo and maybe I can get a raise. And the brats can thank me when they avoid buggering up and dying in battle. "[color=d8bfd8]You think you're cut for it?[/color]" is my next question. Not that my opinion matters that much, but the brat in front of me looks like his head'd fit in perfectly with the rest of the class. Maybe he might turn out to be a right daft bugger, but having somebody motivated to level up their Dust proficiency is a pretty attractive score, you know? --- [B]Mindaro Mondays[/B] "[color=66cd00]Gratia Mindaro,[/color]" was her flat, impassive reply to the boy with the ridiculous blue edge to his hair. How irksomely fitting that he was, by appearances, the leader of Schwarz's group of hunters. As if having one inexplicable hairstyle was too little for one team. "[color=66cd00]Did you somehow fucking forget within the span of five seconds?[/color]" A fool with a brain made of rotten swiss cheese. "[color=66cd00]If you want Schwarz, he went to the Armoury.[/color]" She would deign to educate the incompetent.