[@Ayazi][@Plank Sinatra][@Silvan Haven] [b]Mindaro Mondays - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNrjtYd_BsM]Possible Friends Detected[/url][/b] The arrival of the young Faunus girl immediately caught the Mindaros' shared attention, especially when it was made quite clear that she was familiar with both Jericho and their beloved daughter. That meant that the girl must have been one of Gratia's teammates who'd be on that nice boat trip! "[color=ADFF2F]Hey there Beryl,[/color]" said Valentinian Mindaro in greeting, smiling at the Faunus girl. "[color=ADFF2F]So you're Gratia's teammate, yeah?[/color]" "[color=9ACD32]If so, thank you for taking care of our daughter,[/color]" added Severa. "[color=9ACD32]It's a pleasure to meet a teammate of hers.[/color]" The happiness radiating off the two was very evident.