[h1]Round One: Blackjack V Drunken Warlock[/h1] "[i][color=39b54a]So it'll be this kinda game huh? Good lord I need to shut that announcer guy up.[/color][/i]" In a flash, Teller's strategy changed. At the audible clacking of the drone's pincers, Teller flung himself at the elf in a tackle. The two were bowled over onto the floor and the elf seemed surprised as Teller grabbed the knife from where it sat on his chest, slamming it into the elf's shoulder. Feeling confident, and without his helmet's perimeter sensors, Teller failed to notice however the Elf's own gambit. Just as he was opening his mouth to bid his opponent goodbye, he suddenly felt himself flung back and through a table, crashing to the ground. With a grunt, Teller shook his head to clear the daze of impact as he triggered the return of his face plate with a tap onto his wrist pad. Awaiting him was a being of living shadow with a pair of bracers standing over the elf, who was getting up and dusting himself off. However, as the helmet slid into place, Teller's face paled when he saw the demonic warning light pulsing in the corner of his HUD. "[i][color=39b54a]What? That thing is a fucking delta? Shit, this is gonna be hard.[/color][/i]" Teller chuckled and sheathed his knife, but was reminded again that he could play games with this opponent as..a storm of small fireballs appeared. Cursing and ducking into a roll, he felt a great heat as his armor absorbed a hit, but the damage seemed superficial, scorch marks and nothing more. In the background, beyond his attention, the suit's system detected battle had been joined and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyA1GL1touw]triggered an entry from Teller's own combat playlist[/url]. Hastily drawing his rifle, knowing he could take no chances, Teller began to apply pressure and aggressively moved forward, firing a burst from his rifle, sending the elf clumsily behind his bodyguard seeking shelter. Teller had the initiative now, but his armor pinged new alerts all around him. Glancing to his left and right, he saw tiny..creatures, cackling with glee as they hurled what seemed to be small fireballs at him. Teller quickly moved to dodge with another roll, cursing again as this again took the initiative from him. He had little choice, in here without room to maneuver these things would have him beat. Turning towards the door, Teller charged at full tilt, fireballs licking at his feet as he ran. Extending his shoulder and leaning into the charge, Teller burst through the door, stumbling as the sudden resistance briefly threw him off but recovering before the foes behind him could exploit it. The enemy now had to file through a narrow corridor to reach him, but Teller had no intention of letting them. Grabbing a frag grenade from his armor's chest, he pulled the pin and hurled it into the bar, waiting for the boom.