Corrine sighed as she looked at the tulips. She assumed the school had decided to plant them last minute in order to gain more sponsors. Pretty schools brought in mucho dinero, at least that's what she heard from a lot of the other people who walked the halls. One of the bright bulbs caught her eye, for it was a darker shade of fuchsia compared to the hot pink flowers. '[color=8882be]Mom would've loved to see these..[/color]' the curly haired junior thought to herself. Her mother was a gardener,therefore she always had flowers in or around the house. Whether they were flowers she bought from the store, or from her home country, she had them. Her father even brought some back from his travels, which she put out in the garden so they would have more space to grow and flourish. But alas, their sweet scent only brought sorrow to the junior. She then stood up, deciding that she would head into her literature class, one of the few classes she actually liked. Next to band of course. The curly haired junior walked through the wide halls of Salt Bay High, listening to the various conversations about the latest trends, the scores from last nights football game or whatever else was current within the school. She reached the classroom in a surprisingly short amount of time, considering that her short build wasn't exactly made for walking very fast.