[h3]And here's why I asked Brutal to switch that up a bit. Something I was talking to DPL about.[/h3] But I wanted to follow up on this: [quote][b][color=ed1c24]I just wanted to let you know that in my head, Decky never really was a player even when he was high as the sky. Before Lanie, he was barely one for hook-ups, let alone dating, because hooking up and having sex would have led to him having to take his clothes off, which would lead to people seeing the bruises and cuts. Being in a romantic or sexual situation was always too personal a thing for him to do.[/color][/b] [i][color=darkturquoise]Okay, yeah, that's okay! Thanks for letting me know! It makes me think, though… Why did he feel he could trust Lanie in that way, then? What did she have that the others didn't? And how do you think things between them played out?[/color][/i][/quote] So basically, I want to believe that he had seen her at a party before, and heard her complaining about this that or the other thing. He'd seen her in school too so she was a familiar face outside of his social circle of Trish and the other outcast-kids. We've established that they met at a drug house and were FUBAR'd, so I wanna believe that Trish or someone else at the party had convinced him to take a new drug he'd never done before, and quote [quote][s]The name sounded as awkward on his lips as [/s]their first kiss[s] had been[/s]; two kids, high out of their mind and barely aware of the anchoring existence of bodies in the first place. [/quote] So, he was so messed up on a drug that he'd never been on before, and Trish had to leave because (Insert Brutal's Season 1, Episode 8 flashback scene) of the Cheerleader's death. So he's looking for a familiar face in the crowd that's all trying to leave before the cops show up, and he sees Lanie (Whose parents I assume are never home and another reason they didn't pay attention to her) and goes home with her. Like I said, he was barely aware of his body or existence so it'd be hard to worry about his bruises, cuts, and scars. And Lanie, being neglected and high, was probably touch starved and just hugging or leaning on Decky and Bada Bing Bada Boom, drugs+hormones+Mentaly fucked kids= making out and sex. I'd imagine he probably had enough sense of mind to keep his shirt on or tell her he wanted to keep it on or something but *shrugs*.