[@VitaVitaAR][@HereComesTheSnow] [B]葛 馮虚 (コペンハーゲン・スター)[/B] "[color=9d538e]It's a rather fine choice,[/color]" said the older girl with a light smile, the expression betraying none of her reactions to the reappearance of Akane's fairy compatriot. She had known of its presence after the sudden reveal before their arrival at the Saizeriya, but seeing it again was still quite a surprise. The association of her underclassman with the same magical girl she had assisted during the Negari fight was still one that was quite difficult to wrap her head around, simply due to how obvious it seemed in hindsight. The magics that kept their identities secret, it seemed, were quite powerful indeed. She wondered how exactly they functioned. There was little that Hyoukyo could do to find the truth behind their workings, especially given her choice in pixie partner, and experimental evidence was likely hard to come by. The information would simply be lost to sands of time, as if socks falling behind the washing machine, never to be found again. Of course, given the amount of time necessary for her to expend on both studying and defending the city, poking her head into an attempt at learning the origins of magic would only add to her workload. It would be simpler if she could find a member of the fae who was more keen on such abilities. Particularly in comparison to Kanaria. "[color=9d538e]Have you tried it before?[/color]" she asked after calling over a waiter to take their order, ignoring her companion's protests in her mind. She did note that there were a number of familiar figures also present in the restaurant. One of which she was certain was another underclassman of hers from East Umitori.