[quote=@mdk] "Why would I want to pay money to spend half the game romancing [url=https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/images/17/mar/07mea.jpg]this?[/url]" [/quote] Dude that's not Cora Harper, that's just some random character creation, you don't have to romance her lol. Who ever is making that complaint clearly hasnt played mass effect you dont romance your own player character. this is Cora Harper [img]http://vgwalkthrough.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/mass-effect-andromeda-romance-cora-harper.jpg[/img] Don't get me wrong shes not the hottest VG girl I've ever seen, but shes no less ugly than Mass Effect 1 Ashley and if the only [i][b]Ess Jay Dubyu[/b][/i] thing about her is a short haircut then see Jack (ME2). [quote=@mdk] like in the game at launch it's literally impossible to build a white guy to play as. [/quote] Hang on what? do you mean you cant access the white skin tone because of a glitch? Or does the game just randomise your creation? I assume you can still play as the default male who is obviously quite white. [img]http://www.hobert.net/road/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/scott-ryder.jpg[/img]