Information about the Tolathians: Their origin story is about as mythical as the road to Paradise Planet. There are terabytes of compendiums theorizing their genesis and rise to power, but all sources are kept vaulted deep within the Cryptum - the last remaining cyberspace unaffected by the Tolathian swarm code. You see, everyone thought the Toolies first struck at the Vetrasis, the core systems of the last known governing body of the galaxy. In reality, they came from everywhere and anywhere, spreading their viruses across the data stream like a silent pandemic. Fleet systems, intelligence cores, and space gateways from across the galaxy were instantly compromised, paving the way for the impending doom that waltzed right through the front door unnoticed. By the time the united factions of the galaxy had realized they were being attacked, the Tolathians had seized control of all the major star systems. How anti-climatic is that? I mean, yeah, people rebelled, but in the end the Toolies curb stomped everyone that stepped out of line. There's just no defeating their overwhelming numbers. Now, we're enslaved against our will, used as their permanent work force to gather resources for fuck knows what. Notes: [img][/img] Aesthetically, they look like artificial intelligence but their mannerisms are very fluid and organic. They are never seen with their helmets off. They emote through projected holographic interfaces and designs from their visors like shown below: [img][/img] Their voices can be differentiated as old, young, male, and female. Some have accents similar to many of the cultures known in the galaxy, but if you listen closely, you will find that there is always a tinge of automation. How their government is ran is unknown. Their motivations as a whole are unknown to the general public, but as individuals, they are as complicated and expressive as any other species.