[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/kcFkmF/bowen_ellames_enviro_08.jpg[/img][/center] Among much of the panic that ensued during to the previous attack on each survey & research team, relief was finally washing over each personnel as those who were missing in the field made their way back to the safety of the Beast Command Vehicle. Chief TreVayne’s initial concerns for [i]Delta Unit’s[/i] members were laid to rest as each emerged from the dense forest, with Smith and Gurrera coming up from the tail end, winded but relieved to be alive. Edwards seemed to have taken the brunt of the damage though and quickly rushed to the medbay for further examination by medical staff, which was still sorely needed considering the casualties involved. “Chief.” Eccleson approached Gavon, who was currently helping load up the last of the supplies. “All surviving personnel are accounted for.” She said with some hesitation, trying her best to put on a professional demeanor but still shaken by the earlier attack on her military units, and the first-hand indiscriminate destruction she’d faced. “Excellent.” The other responded, placing a large metal case of survey equipment on the floor next to one of the storage holds, and straightening back up to face the Captain. “We’re almost done here as well, and the pilot is prepped to get us the hell out of here and back to the Nyx, taking the path we came from, which seems to be clear at the moment.” Eccleson nodded, a semblance of anguish still ever present in her otherwise stoic expression. “Then I'll meet you up in the cockpit shortly.” Her response sounded more like a question, as she saluted the Chief before taking her leave from cargo toward the main corridor than ran through the spine of the Beast. Gavon couldn't help but wonder if an officer such as she would ever fit in well enough for field assignments. Her military record was impeccable, but there's a difference between simulation and the real thing. The latter being as unpredictable as they come. The last several minutes had been one of the toughest for everyone, pushing themselves to ensure all wounded were placed in makeshift triage stations and civilian personnel seated aboard the transport before rolling out. Science teams, keeping their minds occupied and off of the earlier attacks, chatted amongst themselves regarding various discoveries, some more significant than others, but enough of a distraction nevertheless. Both pilots -[b]Lt Hawkins and Atkov[/b]- acting as the initial lead scouts, returned safety to the landing bay after an attack by the insects almost cost them their lives, however one of the R52-Shriek speeders were left behind somewhere deep in the forest in a state of disrepair. A sacrifice both officers had no problems making if it meant escaping in one piece. The security team, lead by Chief TreVayne, were all tasked to not only assist in the boarding processes of all personnel and equipment, but to ensure safety protocols were met and all supplies rescanned for any foreign anomalies. The last thing they wanted to do was carry anything harmful or deadly back to the Ark. Military units assigned to to perimeter watch were quickly reassembled as the Beast was preparing to make it’s way back to the Nyx. Upon their return to the Reaper-Class Cruiser, and once communication transmissions restored to optimal parameters, Captain Eccleson was met with messages from the Nyx navigation crew regarding the launch of a fighter squad by Admiral Locke, considering the earlier attack on the away teams. Thankfully a channel could be opened to the Ark advising command to belay the order and recall all fighters back to the hangar immediately. As the Nyx finally broke the planet’s atmosphere on it’s return trip to their orbiting home, clearer details of the mission were then sent to Ark command as well as a head count of all wounded personnel, giving the Vitae’s medical staff time to prep for incoming, and hopefully save the lives of those in critical condition. The Nyx was busy enough however with medical staff, and any hands that could be spared to assist with casualties. Medical droids, activated and ready, buzzed back and forth along the corridors leading to the med bays, stabilizing those injuries that needed it until each patient was secured a place in surgery. By default, Amara Locke, took point on coordinating the process, not because she was any senior medical officer, but because it was necessary and no one would question help at this point. Mackenzie Newton remained by Agent Edwards’ side for most of the trip back, being called every so often to diagnose and repair a few faults with the medical droid units, most of which were minor issues but still important enough to address. Michael Smith, seemingly unscathed by his previous encounter with the mysterious guardian insects, assisted as he could with the medical knowledge stored in his in database, keeping laser focused on ensuring the survival of those in his care. Chief TreVayne walked the corridors, busily checking up on his security teams, doling out additional orders as needed, and interfacing with NOAH -via data pad- to ensure none of the ship’s vital systems were corrupted by the planet’s EM fields or the possibility of nanite penetration. Meanwhile, back on the Ark, Admiral Locke, relieved of the news that his away team was en route, yet at the same time silently mourning the loss of those men and women who served bravely, paced the floor of the bridge with one arm laid across his torso and the other propped up with a steady hand to his chin. Loss was never easy no matter how many battles one had experienced, and the fact that this first planetary mission turned into such a cluster of chaotic shit made the man wonder if this was their lot in life. Are we made to run from those who wish to do us harm in every galaxy, cowering and caving to unknown enemies crawling around space looking for a fight? How many more must die for peace to be actualized? How many home planets had to be destroyed by invading entities seeking nothing but total annihilation...and for what? Something had to give. “Sir.” Ensign Jennis spoke up as the Admiral passed by him. “Aside from the Nyx pulling into hangar bay 2 shortly, we detect no other anomalies, in the area, and long-range scanners give nothing of interest or concern.” Jennis glances up from the console. “Any particular destination, Sir?” Locke paused in his tracks for a moment, glancing at the navigational holo-map which was continuing its structuring process of the surrounding area, saving details within the ship’s database in hopes of stitching together known with unknown space, but still lingering with questions nonetheless. “We’re still at the mercy of the great ‘roulette wheel’, living each moment in expectation of a chance encounter.” He thought outloud. “[i]But[/i]...with that nugget of profound thought, Ensign, as soon as the Nyx has docked and the hangar secured, take us the hell away from this sector. We’ll have enough to worry about aboard this ship for quite awhile. A ship that we have to remember is our only home, so I think a ‘destination’ is irrelevant at this time.”