[b]Sub-Sector: Ardis, Planet: Icarus Prime, City: Citadel-One[/b] Below Citadel-One one bored guard was currently trying not to fall asleep behind his terminal. Unofficially he had the most important job on the entire planet - yet in truth, it was the most boring job equal to watching acid -resistant coating dry. Namely he was in charge of guarding the Delta-Servers. The computer system responsible for keeping the titanic Repulsor Fields up and the Vespen outside the Citadel. John should have been proud of being handed such an important job - yet insomnia, problems with the miss and a flat-debt hanging over his head dulled his sense of gratitude. Namely his post was a simple desk-job that had become obsolete in the past three centuries. Before any attacker could reach the Delta-Servers they had to pass through the rows of automated turrets which could shred even an Order knight. Let alone even a Vespen would think twice before approaching the place - if the Vespen could think or even get this far. As such with no oversight or cameras to keep him motivated and with the defense system being automated as it was John eventually fell asleep behind his desk. Unbeknownst to him, a tiny alien boy was crawling underneath him. His species long enslaved, it's culture and history long-forgotten and his only duty to mine and die in the service of the Empire of Man. No longer that was the case. The tunnel he was crawling through was ancient yet still intact. A thing log ago made by his ancestors whom had died by the millions to construct the Repulsor Fields. Now that knowledge had been passed to him and the time of reckoning was to cometh. The boy named Yyggguh, soon reached the location that housed the server room. He wouldn't survive the act - but neither would he last long in the mines. He was a second son, sadly not enough food for him to live beyond ten years. With a final nod of sadness. He adjusted the explosive used to brake apart rock and stone - a small thing yet one that would do the job. He set the explosive and attached to a string crawled away a few metres. Hiding behind a rock in the hope it would shield him - before he pulled on the rope and everything went white. Above, John was awoken by the loud explosion and the even louder klaxons screaming and yelling 'Alert' in a mechanical voice. John almost fainted when he looked inside the Delta-Servers room and saw a large hole with the machinery broken and leaking fluids. The effects following from there into the city above. --- Grandmaster of Vision; Alexius Harakam was currently situated in Citadel-One. The glorious and wealthy capital of Icarus Prime. Walking beside Archon Menagerie - namely the 'official leader' of the Planet. Alexis was mostly droning out the man' speech of the splendor of the Planet and their achievements. Something that Icarus Prime had achieved and thanks to him had reached - ignoring the fact his achievements as Archon paled compared to the Emperor. Alexius continued walking alongside the Archon - as he needed to get through this meeting to get to the important part of the day. Namely the details about the army, status of the resources quotas and so on. He nevertheless appeared respectful. As much as a two metre tall man in full armor and a sharp blade attached to his hip could be. Alexius didn't have time to think about how he could speed up this process with the wealthy, corrupt and slightly mentally challenged in his opinion, Imperial. There was a loud klaxon flare - as a system three centuries old activated. As many young, old and furthermore human. Watched as the glowing yellow shields sparked and flickered - before the Fields started to fall, the yellow dissipating into the air. A second of pause happened - as everyone stared at the Repulsor Fields - no longer up and titanic. Now they looked like tall skyscrapers, empty and hollow. Then came the shriek of a Vespen - and then the screaming panics of the masses below. The ancient information system - soon speaking in a female synthetic voice to the people around the Citadel. [i]Please make your way to Citadel-One. This is not a drill. Evacuate to Citadel-One to escape the approaching Vespen horde."[/i] "Well, Archon. It's time for me to go," spoke Alexius, as he soon jumped out of the window of the Archon' tower. Using his skill and blade to lessen his fall and soon land on the ground - with enough force to crack the pavement. But his natural condition and his armor helped absorb the shock. "This is Grandmaster Alexius Harakam. Order Seventy-Seven is in effect," he spoke into his comm-system. Namely calling for he deployment of all Order warriors to the field. "So...it begins.." With that final say, Alexius soon gripped his large blade and activated it's power-sheathe system. Soon charging into Citadel-Two and the approaching Vespen horde to come. Today the Order began its first day towards redeeming their name in the Emperor' eyes.