The first cabin that Juliette came upon after climbing down a latter was a simple bedroom, with a vertical row of mattresses and a wall lined with lockers. She softly whistled to herself while she searched through the room, not taking very long to figure out that it didn't contain anything honestly worthwhile, and then meandering onward. Juliette did not worry about anyone popping up at this point, as it seemed pretty empty thus far; however, she still remained alert while she stepped through the next cabin door, entering yet another bedroom, nearly identical to the last. The woman didn't bother to search this one for very long, nor the next, as they once again contained little of interest. It wasn't until she came to the medical cabin that she finally found something of use. Basic medical supplies like disinfectant and bandages were not cheap, and so she didn't hesitate to stuff a few things into her bag. Although she might not have been too familiar with medical supplies, she did at least know how to put together a decent first aid kit. The woman pauses for a moment after reaching for a roll of gauze, the familiar texture sparking a brief nostolgic thought. Her mother in bathroom of her childhood home, reaching for the first aid kit after she and Silver had returned home in tatters again. Her mother never chided her for this, just took care to patch her up thouroughly and listened to the child chatter on about their venture. Juliette shook herself from her short reverie after a few moments, her whistling long forgotten for the peaceful silence of the ship. Only the hushed waves rocking the ship added life to the room, and she quickly began her whistling once more after beginning to move through the ship again. The next cabin she came to was the kitchen, which to her unease, still contained unspoiled food. If this ship had been abandoned recently, this might explain the left over food, but this still left the pink haired woman feeling anxious. What if the occupants returned after seeking help? Would anyone come looking to salvage a ship like this? It seemed unlikely, but possible, so Juliette picked up her pace and began to shove food items into her bag; whatever wouldn't spoil took presidence, as she didn't feel like risking her and Silver over fruit and other easily gathered things.