[@Plank Sinatra][@Silvan Haven][@Write][@Crimmy] -- [color=fff200][center][b]Vega Venetia[/b] - Team VGNB - Dorm[/center][/color] Vega realized that both her teammate’s parents were here… and some other hunter named Jericho as she glanced at him for a second. [color=fff200]“Oh it’s no big deal…Ms. Gracious is doing fine.”[/color] And motioning to Beryl mom [color=fff200]“It is wonderful to meet you as well.”[/color] Vega then noticed Bianca besides her, [color=fff200]"Hey, looks like we got some visitors to our dorm."[/color] Vega to everyone, [color=fff200]“Please come inside”[/color] motioning them to enter in as she made eye contact with Jericho, [color=fff200]“Hi.”[/color] She nodded at him with a half-smile. [color=fff200][i]Who are you?[/i][/color] Vega did not expect her teammates parents and some other dude with Beryl come in. It was quite abrupt and Vega was not looking suitable considering she took a nap with her Haven uniform on. Not that she cared as of right now.