Kiril followed the remainder of the team with his eyes as they withdrew to their own Gears. He made a mental note of their selected space, and the speed with which they climbed into their respective cockpits. There was a lot to learn about a person from the way they handle mundane tasks as well as personal space, which is why this exercise was so important. Still, not counting the tall girl's efforts to disband the team, the beginning of this journey and this year had great potential. He crossed the distance to Ogre's corner with long steps, maneuvering through the crowd like a leaf in the wind. The mounting system of his Gear was simpler than that of others, focused much more on safety than speed. This was true for the software as well, in addition of it apparently being highly incompatible with the automated processes of the simulation, requiring some manual involvement. By the time he was done, he'd missed everything but Sara's response. [color=cyan]"An opponent without fear, or any other psychological processes, is a lesson in itself."[/color] He stated while his systems were finishing the synchronization process. [color=cyan]"It allows us to focus on the technical part of this battle, as well as test the limit of our ruthlessness. These are [i]just AI[/i], right? How easy it is to imagine any opponent as 'Just AI', hah."[/color] After a moment of silence, he piped up again. [color=cyan]"Oh, yes, Ogre ready."[/color]