[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Some of ME2 characters are good, some are meh, some are quite bad. Regardless, the game doesnt really give you enough time for them to develop. 1 recruitment and 1 loyalty mission each spreads it all a bit too thin. Can you really tell me what we learned about Jacob in his loyalty mission? Does anyone even care? [/quote] >'Some of ME2 characters are good, some are meh, some are quite bad' Are we talking objectively or subjectively here? A lot of 'gamers' confuse these two concepts. I like Jacob. I like his loyalty mission, too. I'd call it more two quests and their conversations, but character development arcs are tied up in 3, not 2. I like the characters and characterization in ME2, and I don't believe that focusing on the crew of the Normandy over crazy robot cthulhu beasts that aren't even particularly intriguing because they're so unknowable in their unknownness counts as filler, is all. but i'm not crowbcat or superbunnyhop so I don't know.