[quote=@Ace of Hearts] [b]>'Some of ME2 characters are good, some are meh, some are quite bad'[/b] Are we talking objectively or subjectively here? A lot of 'gamers' confuse these two concepts.[b] I like Jacob. I like his loyalty mission, too.[/b] I'd call it more two quests and their conversations, but character development arcs are tied up in 3, not 2. I like the characters and characterization in ME2, and I don't believe that focusing on the crew of the Normandy over crazy robot cthulhu beasts that aren't even particularly intriguing because they're so unknowable in their unknownness[b] counts as filler is all. [/b] [/quote] EDIT: so you are objectively or subjectively saying that the reapers arent particularly intruging? [@Fabricant451] youre awfully quiet all of a sudden.