The mighty Karraze mountains were a spectacular sight. They stretched high into the sky, over the seas and over the clouds. And climbing these great giants was an old, brittle man. This man was Giberto Mingione Lo Priore. But he was more know as the doge of Tolebrada. The climb had been very taxing on him. He had to be carried by his bodyguards most of the way but his destination was finally in sight. Atop one of the many mountains stood a magnificent monastery. The entourage stopped outside the gates and Gioberto stepped forwards and knocked on them. The gates were soon opened by the monks. They stepped inside and Gioberto was escorted into a great dining hall. The table was overflowing with all manner of food and drink. But these did not interest him in the slightest. His eyes were on a young girl who sat at the table. Gioberto turned to her and bowed slightly. He then took a seat beside her.