[@Blueflame][@Rafiel_purewing][@Hylozoist] "Well when ypu guys are ready to go. Let's meet at my place, because I would like to change and so would Chara probably," Frisk says excitedly before walking off dragging chara along behind them with an invisible tether kind like thing that tied them together since they didn't want to get up. Chara stucl there tongue out at everypne and waved good by has they were dragged along back home. Frisk went their room and pulled out their swimsuit and slipped it on before looking over at Chara. Chara was on the ground tryung to decided if they wanted to go shirtless since they are a guy or wear there green tanktop with the yellow stripe on it. They then shrug and decides to go shirtless and laid back bored ready for Frisk to dragg them outside. Frisk sighs and marcges outside to meet up with everone.