[center] [color=crimson][h2][b]Mass Effect: First Contact[/b][/h2][/color] [img]http://masseffect.bioware.com/resources/me3/assets/media/concepts/concept-011-street_battle-p.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] The Rachni Wars. The wars were a devastation to the Galaxy as the Council knew it until the Salarians uplifted the Krogan to turn the tide of the war. Gradually the threat was driven back, destroyed; a shell of what they had once used to be, all their power lost. The Rachni were contained, left to their own little slice of the galaxy as their relay, the mass relay known as Relay 314, and the Council found all actions to reactivate this relay as illegal and declared that the Rachni menace was extinct. With that, the Turians safeguarded this relay to prevent activation attempts by any means that they deemed necessary. The end of the Rachni Wars came about 300 CE. Centuries later, exploration came about, but not by any Council races and not by a species that was particularly known about either. This new race, the Human race, expanded at an unprecedented rate and never had seen any intelligent species, no first contact. Reactivating relays, exploring, being humans. That was until they came about the famed relay, Relay 314. Of course, they had no clue about council laws and thought themselves alone in space. Then, Turian warships struck the exploration group, destroying all but one ship that escaped amongst the Chaos. This was the start of what the humans called “the First Contact War.” Soon enough, the war turned from a naval war to a ground war as Turians besieged the human colony of Shanxi. Turian forces then began landing on the colonial planet as warships seized air control and bombarded the planet. This is where you come in. A merc, a soldier, a medic, maybe even a scientist come to study these new people? Only you know for sure and it is up for you to decide what happens. However, whatever comes next will be caused by whatever you decide. What will happen next? [hr] Welcome to Mass Effect: First Contact! As you could guess this roleplay would be set in the Mass Effect universe and in the First Contact War between the humans and the turians. Primarily, the beginning will focus on the Battle of Shanxi but here is the catch; we shall be playing from the Turian point of view, we are the bad guys to the humans. I'm looking for about 4-6, casual to semi-advanced people to join me on the this quest! If you have questions, feel free to ask me! Happy hunting! [hider=Character Sheet] [pre] [center][h3]Name[/h3] [img]Image of character goes here, optional[/img] [/center] [indent] [b]Age[/b]: [indent] [/indent] [b]Race[/b]: [indent][/indent] [b]Sex[/b]: [indent] [/indent] [b]Biotic[/b]: [indent] Y/N [/indent] [b]Profession[/b]: [indent] Essentially the “class” your character is. Come up with your own or use a class from the mass effect games[/indent] [b]Personality[/b]: [indent]Here there should be about one or two paragraphs describing how your character acts.[/indent] [b]Appearance[/b]: [indent]There should be two or three paragraphs here describing how your character looks; it would be wise to include their body language as well, how they carry themselves about, so on and so forth.[/indent] [b]Talents[/b]: [indent][list] List the talents/powers that your character has, biotic powers included. [*] [*] [*][/list][/indent] [b]Equipment[/b] [indent][list]List the various things your character has; include weaponry, clothing, etc. (this is bound to change as the RP goes on) [*] [*] [*][/list][/indent] [b]Other[/b]: [indent]Various tidbits about your character that do not fit any of the above categories.[/indent] [/indent] [/pre] [/hider]