[hider=Jack] [h1][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Jack Goldart[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0f/fc/7f/0ffc7f485da4b8cdbea566e7ad42f96d.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=6ecff6]Age:[/color][/b]22 [b][color=6ecff6]Gender:[/color][/b]Male [b][color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color][/b] Jack has a heart of gold...but the mind of a street Urchin. While having no parents, he was raised poor and saw how people would treat him and his little sister. His sister was starving and there was only one thing he could do. Steal his wealth. To him a few coins from the more wealthy seem like nothing to keep his family alive and even helping some of other misfortune children of his town. This eventually became an obsession and he loved the thrill of swindling some unsuspecting white collar, regardless if he needed the money or not. While he became somewhat of a robin hood, it eventually turned him into nothing more than a rude, unforgiving crook. While if you would know him on a personal level, Jack is the kind of man who loved a breast in one hand and ale in the other. A carefree kind of individual who loved nothing more than a good joke or tavern song. While his criminal side is hard to see by others, his sister could always see past the act. While still a good man for the most part, his cruelty to the more 'fortunate' individuals calls his morals and honor in to question. [b][color=6ecff6]Equipment:[/color][/b][list] [*]Wide Broadhead Dagger [*]Bow and Arrows [*]Throwing Knives [*]Leather Armor [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Strengths:[/color][/b][list][*]Skilled in the art of quick dirty fighting.[*]Extremely Acrobatic. Used to make money when times are rough or to get out of sticky situations.[*]A sharp tongue make most problems go away with just a few words[/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Weaknesses:[/color][/b][list][*]Extremely lazy. Making him less than willing to do really anything that wasn't necessary.[*]A short temper usually drop's him in a bad situation[*]When worse comes to worst, Jack is always quick to run. A honorable man would call him a coward.[/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Likes:[/color][/b][list][*]Gold[*]Archery[*]Jokes[*]Alcohol[*]Weapons[/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Dislikes:[/color][/b][list][*]Snakes[*]Crowds[*]Military[*]Rich People[/list] [b][color=6ecff6]History:[/color][/b] Personally, Jack doesn't really reveal to much of history to anyone, especially when sober. When he is on one of his drunk rants and whispers he does reveal a little about his past. Jack has a sister and he raised her and cares deeply for her. His parents were not around for whatever reason as a child, so him and his sister grew up in the streets. Some time, not to long ago, his sister was taken. By who or what has not left Jack's mouth in slurred speech, but maybe it's because he doesn't know. Or really not like to talk about it. Professionally, Jack had his own gang by Twelve, his own Tavern by sixteen, and his own town by eighteen. Now in days, Jack and his gang Known as the, [i]Rusty Nails[/i] have their finger in any place that a rich man lives. They preform any Job or service that some would never that possible to ask for. As long as the pay is good, The Rusty Nails will take the job. Even if they don't have a job, Jack would get his coin by stealing it from any dirty business who happens to pray on the less fortunate. [/hider]