I'm more amazed by the fact that anyone thinks ME was [i]ever[/i] good, and that [i]3[/i] or [i]Andromeda[/i] somehow defiled the series' glorious legacy or some shit. Most of what [@Fabricant451] says about the mechanics of horror is correct and all, but just because the Reapers are "unknowable" doesn't mean this was an artistic decision. Honestly BioWare's writers are so incompetent, it could just as easily be due to serendipity, not a conscious choice, that the antagonistic force of the story just happens to match up with some Lovecraftian tropes. Looking at how clumsy and awkward this passage is: ... [quote]Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, [b]incapable of understanding[/b]. There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own [b]you cannot even imagine it[/b]. I am [b]beyond your comprehension[/b]. [...] My kind [b]transcends your very understanding[/b]. We are each a nation - independent, free of all weakness. [b]You cannot grasp the nature[/b] of our existence. We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite. Millions of years after your civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure.[/quote] How many times can one incompetent buffoon of a "writer" say the exact same fucking thing over and over, just in slightly different words? Well, five times per paragraph, apparently. Jesus Christ. This actually hurt to read. Never mind the fact that it's [i]Telling[/i] instead of [i]Showing[/i] us that the Reapers are "unknowable"; the prose is just fucking dreadful in so many ways.