You basically play as that edgy RP character you wrote when you first started up in this shitty hobby (or you're still writing right now, if you're bad at it). Because between stabbing guys in the back, shooting them with arrows, and luring them into strategically placed mine traps, you also steal their coinpurses and break into their homes to run off with their fine china. And while doing all this you shoot off snappy one-liners to prove how witty and snarky you are. And of course [i]you're[/i] called upon to save the world from a technocult and its maddened leader, because expecting actual soldiers and heroes to do it would just make too much damn sense. Don't worry, you have a dark and tragic past, but that was already revealed in the first game so there's really no need to explain it here. [i][b]Fuck[/b][/i] this game. [hider=it's actually one of the best games of all time lol][indent][i]Thief II: The Metal Age[/i][/indent][/hider]