Kyle walked down the large well lit hallway of the art gallery, the one place where he could get away from the mayhem of everyday life and enter a world all his own. Although he had seen all these pictures a million times, he still came back and every time he did he would create a new make believe scenario for each picture. this was what he was doing now as he rounded a corner to look at the next set of pictures when he paused. " well isnt this weird" he tbought to himself as he studied the new picture of the magnificent building seemingly floating in the clouds. he wasnt sure why but his hand reached ip and gently brushed across the canvas of the picture,or so it should have, but instead passed right through. He pulled his hand awayu briskly then hesitantly pushed his hand through the painting followed by his arm, until eventually his whole body was through and he was standing in front of the magnificent building. He blinked his eyes a few times, thinking he was only daydreaming but eventually came to the conclussipn that this was real. he turned around to see if he saw any remnants of the art gallery but saw nothing but blue sky and white clouds. Slowly he turned back around and started towards the stairway that lead to tbe front door