Figured I'd put my character up. Mainly for some needed peer-review. But gonna say it now. Bio and personality are most likely not final. They are, more or less, placeholders while I either flesh them out further, or completely change them. [hr] Character Name: Cecilia Skarsgard Nickname/callsign: Icicle Age: 31 Nationality: Swedish Gender: Female Bio: Born and raised in Uppsala, Sweden. Cecilia's childhood was relatively calm. Not much drama outside of friendships ending over small, simple, and stupid things. Once such example being an argument over which rock looked cooler. She lived a life that most would call basic and boring. And until she was a teenager, that was very true. Once she was a teenager and going through highschool. She really started to look into what she wanted to do as an adult. And after a visit to an aviation museum, she liked the idea of being a pilot. After the museum, she decided to start learning as much as she could about aviation history in her spare time. And while she wasn't top of her class in highschool, she was a well performing student. Cecilia was never focused on anything more than friends when it came to relationships during highschool. Feeling that a boyfriend or girlfriend would be a distraction from her studies. She'd retain this mentality for the early months of her university life. While Cecilia was attending Uppsala University, she also started taking flight lessons. Thinking that should she not make it as a military pilot, she'd still be a civilian pilot. She had to have her head in or above the clouds. Or else she wouldn't feel truly happy. During this time, she delved into the dating scene for a bit before returning to the single life. Once she had finished Uppsala University with the degree she wanted, Cecilia turned her attention to the Airforce. Going through the process to begin pilot training, and then going through the process of becoming a pilot. And once she was a pilot, she was sent off to work in Afghanistan. Specifically working with ISAF, and flying for them during the War in Afghanistan. During her time serving with the ISAF she realized how much she loved colder weather. And as such would more often than not, complain about the heat, granting her the nickname "Icicle," though the heat didn't seem to hinder her ability to fly by much. She flew air superiority in Afghanistan for approximately three years before the Tokyo Jupiter portal opened. When that event happened, she was pulled back to Sweden as part of a mobilization effort from Sweden to help defend and hopefully repel the invaders. Once the invaders were pushed back through the portal and defenses established around it. She was chosen alongside a few other pilots to join the UN Expeditionary Force. Though she was sent with a Draken instead of the Viggens she had grown used to flying. Causing for a fair few hours spent training and participating in exercises to familiarize herself with the craft. At the same time complaining about how cramped she feels in the cockpit. Personality: Cecilia enjoys company and conversation, but will typically state her own opinion on a subject. Even if that opinion will rub a few people the wrong way, but by all means will understand if someone has an opposite opinion to her own opinion, never wanting to silence an opinion. Cecilia does hate it when someone states an opinion but won't take other peoples opinions, or even try to silence the opinions of others. Cecilia does also have a good sense of humor. And is equally willing to have a good laugh or two. Though Cecilia is a speed-demon, and has gotten in trouble for it more often than she can count. This grafted her a secondary, lesser used nickname. Blazer. [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Personal Gear: - Always has a pack of cigarettes and a lighter or box of matches. - Multi-tool pliers Aircraft: [url=]J 35 Draken, J variant[/url] Aircraft Colours: Swedish [url=]M90/Splinter[/url] pattern with white belly. Character Theme: [url=]Don't know how to stop.[/url]