[B]Mindaro Mondays - A-Side[/b] Gratia's side of the room was, despite the lurid and terrifying imaginings of Jericho's Atlesian-addled mind, [i]not[/i] something that one could have found within the pages of the Necronomicon. The reality was quite the opposite; the elder Mindaro daughter, in the time that she had been present at Beacon, had managed to accumulate a number of items that suggested a certain normalcy to her non-hunting lifestyle. Her pale bed was as sparse as one would expect, differing little from those of her teammates, but the 'stretched-out' nature of her blankets suggested that she was very much taking advantage of the larger sleeping accommodations (relative to her tiny bed back in Mistral, which Galla had already stolen). An electric guitar, not plugged in, sat on a stand next to the bed, and a folder of music sheets could be found sitting on the wooden chair next to it, awaiting the next practice session. Behind it was a small, wooden bookshelf, upon which rested many well-worn textbooks, the D&D 4th Edition Player's Handbook, a Dungeon Master's Guide, a number of scientific journals (mostly focusing on the field of Aura), Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 1, and what appeared to be a straw-haired voodoo doll, its purpose unknown. Sitting on the desk next to her bed was a framed photo of the two Mindaro parents, a few ballpoint pens, a few short novels and a shopping list that was seemingly made up of cooking ingredients. There were several bound notebooks present as well, with one incredibly bizarre-looking one having the title "UNLOCKING AURA IN FLORA - F.M." sitting on top of an old-fashioned CD player. Her bag sat on the ground next to the desk. A grey cardigan hung off the back of the desk chair, likely a piece of clothing that Gratia had thought of wearing before deciding on staying with her traditional coat. "[color=9ACD32]She's certainly made herself at home[/color]" said Severa happily as she scanned the room. "[color=9ACD32]And my, this dorm is bigger than I thought it would be![/color]" "[color=ADFF2F]No wonder Gratia's stuff's everywhere,[/color]" agreed Valentinian, moving around. "[color=ADFF2F]It's almost half the size of notre maison![/color]" --- [B]Mindaro Mondays - B-Side[/b] [i][color=66cd00]It's fucking genetic? What the hell is wrong with this family?[/color][/i]