[quote=@Ace of Hearts] Spot the white nationalist. [/quote] [quote=@Ace of Hearts] man, you're so smart. thanks for correcting me on your brand of fascism. Fallacious? I got something you can [i]fellate.[/i] [/quote] [quote=@Ace of Hearts] What a white supremacist way to think, not to mention misogynistic. you okay, dude? do you have unresolved oedipal complexes you haven't resolved? you didn't kill her, did you? you don't wear her skin, [i][b]do you?[/b][/i] edit: I'll leave the redundancy because I know for a fucking fact you'll point it out, you nerd. [/quote] [quote=@Ace of Hearts] listen guy i don't know what to tell you this isn't reddit you're not gonna get any upvotes. your smugness in defending your pissy attitude towards brown people already sealed my "white nationalist" comment, which you deftly corrected to white supremacist. i mean who cares what you think really, because you're a racist. so again, fellate me. [/quote] [center][img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/102/292/6ea.png[/img][/center]