[h3][center][b]Stranded: Prisoners' Tale[/b][/center][/h3] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170323/b653451403fb202b4a33b6525d882dad.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6]"Ow."[/color] Was the first thing Lea said after the rough landing of the escape pod. She had been strapped in and the escape pod was meant to take in a lot of the force that would have otherwise been meant for her so she didn't get too injured. Besides, even if she was injured, she could easily heal herself to peak condition in exchange for a small amount of mana. She unbuckled the seatbelt and then punched in the code for opening the pod. The door ejected itself outside, revealing where she had landed. A bemused look found its way to her face as she looked at the thick forestry that surrounded her. She rubbed the back of her head and retreated inside once more to get her backpack where he medical supplies were placed and then took some extra rations from the pod. Lea let out a sigh and then exited the pod. Having launched out of the ship earlier than everyone else and also being in an escape pod seemed to have made her the first to land on the planet. She could see the falling parts of The Alcatraz and it seems that it just... broke apart. Like every cell block was separated from the ship itself. Placing a hand on where her firearm is, she let out yet another sigh. Mentally preparing yourself to survive in an unknown planet with high ranking criminals who were probably alive wasn't exactly on the job description. But then again, what did she expect? A smooth cruise to wherever the hell they were going? [color=6ecff6]"Huh, I wonder what's in this planet."[/color] Not even a few steps into the jungle did she hear something crashing onto the planet followed by several explosions. Her head whipped towards the sound, somewhere east of her position maybe? The black smoke rising above the trees made her think that she was right. There were several other crashes and explosions, probably coming from the other cell blocks or probably even the main ship itself. At least she had a destination in mind. A goal. To get to The Alcatraz that was still hopefully mostly intact and to maybe rendezvous with the other staff there. She's not entirely sure how cautious she would be around the inmates though. Hopefully survival is something they value more than killing. Her feet took her to the nearest Cell Block that had landed. So far, she only encountered plants. No animals as of now. She supposed that was good. But she also steered clear of the weird looking plants... then again, everything wasn't exactly familiar to her. "Well, well, Doc Lea!" A voice called out to her. Definitely male, low and husky. Lea closed her eyes for a brief moment, processing who was speaking. "Can't remember me?" She raised her hand to signal for him to wait.[color=6ecff6]"Wait a minute... Klein? Right?"[/color] Lea replied, quite surely. "Correct!" Klein Gamor, a thirty something year old male with a mean streak. As murderous as he is charming, he was one of the top people on priority list... and one of her main customers. Again, despite not being a psychiatrist or psychologist, he was always given to her. Said she was the only one who isn't afraid of him... or hasn't fallen to his charms. Lea turned around to face him and he was simply leaning on the tree beside him, casually holding a gun in his hand. [color=6ecff6]"Lovely. Any other survivors out there? Guards? Other prisoners?"[/color] She calmly looked at his physical body, without using her power. So he was doing well? She wasn't sure if that was good or not. "Nah, killed them all." Klein said casually, showing her the gun more prominently. Figures. Lea could have guessed as much. She really wasn't surprised. [color=6ecff6]"So... I assume I'm going to die next? I mean, even if we were to quick draw, I wouldn't be able to beat you."[/color] It was the right assumption. She was in front of one of the most notorious serial killers in Earth, no way he was going to let her go alive. "True." Klein in he'd closer to the female. He had his chin up, as if looking down on her. "No fear? You really are the perfect woman for the job." He said, brushing his fingers against her face. He held no fear either. [color=6ecff6]"Of course I am."[/color] Lea grabbed his wrist, which made him raise an eyebrow, curious on what she'll pull off. She was just a harmless doctor who would firs help them before anything else. That was her job after all no? [color=6ecff6]"Never let an enemy grab hold of you... especially if you don't know what they're capable of and if they know every single thing about you and your health."[/color] Klein stumbled backwards, eyes wide, but Lea kept a firm grasp on him. He felt like he was growing weaker and his eyesight was blurring. He spat blood on the ground. "W-What..." Lea willed her mana to flow into him, into his bloodstream in search for a single thing that could end his life rather slowly. [color=6ecff6]"Klein Gamor. For the most of your life, you were unaware of a disease that has wormed its way into you. You only ever realized about your deathly disease once you hit the age of... 28? It was around that time that you started your serial killing. Once you were captured, your life's story was placed on paper. You caught my eye, Mr. Gamor. It's a rare disease that... no one has really contracted before. Well, they died before we could know more about them. But you... you were still alive."[/color] Lea stopped, allowing the killer to process what she was saying but it seems he was already too far gone to even understand anything she was saying. His slow anguish made her frown but she only cocked her head to the side. [color=6ecff6]"I wanted to study you. A lot in Bursmir Inc. wanted to. Ah, but I couldn't inside The Alcatraz. Too busy, no time. Thought I could do it after we stop somewhere. But it seems I just have to make quick mental notes here."[/color] "A-Are you really Doc Lea? Not that... Not that Sapishte?" Klein barely let out through ragged breaths. He got no reply from the doctor before his heart stopped beating and he let out his final breath. Lea let him go, letting his corpse drop on the ground. [color=6ecff6]"I doubt Mienieve would have let you go as easily. She was quite a... hands-on type of person."[/color] Lea finally replied before spinning around and then continuing to head for the fallen cell block. Her walk was casual as if she just hadn't committed murder. There was no time for feeling sorry for the dead. Once she deems them dangerous, she has to do it lest she perishes. Though she'd have to be more careful, that certainly took more mana that she had expected. [hr] Lea was beginning to think she was hallucinating. Travelling in an unknown jungle isn't the easiest thing in the world, that's for sure. Without any proper landmarks and everything looking the same, it wasn't easy to know whether or not you were going the right way. She imagined that it would only take a few minutes of walking to get to her destination but it turned out to be longer than that. It didn't take a full hour though, or so she believes. Surprisingly, there was another loud landing, this time it was close to her. So she decided to investigate. She reached a cell block but this one was covered with mud, as if the landing didn't splatter it outwards, but inwards. It was odd. That was, until someone kicked down the door and she immediately recognized her. Light hair, dark skin, curved horns - a foreign Tulak. It was rare to see another 'alien' in The Alcatraz as most of the criminals it housed were humans, so all the 'aliens' were engraved in her mind. This one was no different. [color=6ecff6]"Miss Shaali Tunn, correct?"[/color] The doctor called out but kept her distance from the girl. She had read her crime on the files, and it honestly wasn't as bad as the others. She murdered a person coming to claim her sister or something like that, and that was her only offense. Klein from earlier had done ten times worse things than this one. She had known that there were not-so-bad people inside The Alcatraz but she learned to be careful. [@LissaLu]