The carrot-topped girl was probably the least likely candidate for any sort of Gunpla school, considering her build as she was escorted towards the selection hall. Broad and burly, she looked uncomfortable in the outfit she chose, a skirt over her spats with a collared shirt and a simple tie in order to make herself look presentable. It didn't quite help that they didn't make anything in her size, which made her adjustments all the more frequent as she tried to work some more space around her collar. She felt oddly out of place; she was a good modeler in no uncertain terms, but she wasn't quite that experienced in Gunpla battling to even consider the prestige of the Nielson Labs Academy. The thought crossed her mind that she might not be able to live up to their expectations, and a small bead of sweat formed on her forehead. Arriving at the hall, she noticed a blond that was...really tiny compared to her frame, and felt even more conscious than before. Here she was, this meathead getting into the most prestigious and well-known academy for gunpla building and battling, and her current fellow attendee was probably barely a third of what she could lift on a normal day. She nervously put up a hand and muttered "Hi there!" with a smile, heading over to another wall of Gunpla kits after the assistant gave the instructions. She was a total UC fangirl, always appreciating the grit of the Universal Century suits, so she had to go for one that was totally iconic and a kit she didn't personally have. Noticing a particular box that was mildly out of place, she picked it out, eyes widening. "Huh...a Hi-Nu Gundam...I always thought the design was mildly fancier than it should've been for UC, but the funnel setup is pretty appealing..." Taking it over to the tables in the center of the room equipped with tools far beyond her normal level of work, she opened up her HG kit, picking out the runners. Looking up at the blond as the girl grabbed her own kit, she chuckled anxiously, green eyes roaming back down to her own Gundam. "'s your name? I'm Kanoko Tanegashi. The only reason I'm here is that uh...I participated in one event a while back, and someone else used one of the models I submitted for a competition to sweep a tournament. How about you?"