[@POOHEAD189][@Plank Sinatra][@JBRam2002][@GeneralNox][@DepressedSoviet] CS is now up in the OP while I work on the OOC! Do not submit them to me just yet when you finish, do that when the OOC is up! [quote=@GeneralNox] [b][color=ed1c24]Another quick question...would I be able to control a second, well, secondary character? My head-scientist Turian isn't going to be combat focused at all, so I was thinking of a hired Krogan or Batarian that serves as a body guard?[/color][/b] [/quote] I do not see why not, if you intend on doing a second sheet for the body guard or if [@JBRam2002] still wants to go along that little path you guys have going. Whatever you want!