[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBhNzU0ZC5SR0ZwYlhsdmJpQk1iMjVrWlEsLC4wAAAA/dr-sugiyama.regular.png[/img][/center] The seconds ticked by as if there were lead weights attached to their feet. Daimyon spent the remaining time in a passionate debate with himself, trying to steel his resolve that he did the right thing by voting...for himself. He had his reasons, and they were strong reasons. He had nothing to be ashamed of. He could not...or rather, did not want to influence others in any way. Even if their votes brought out a clear ‘winner’, his did not count against them. And if the sacrifice was to be him...then so be it. An ever-increasing part of him wished the allotted time to just [i]end[/i], so he could be done with his inner struggles... ...but when it [i]did[/i] end, that part was beat back into the deepest corners of his mind and heavily scolded to not wish for something it could not predict ever again. Because once the time was up...all hell broke loose. Monokuma's increasingly grating voice was interrupted by a different tone: that of Felix, from outside the barrier. Daimyon turned in surprise: what interesting timing! The surprise swiftly turned into amazement—just as swiftly as Felix scaling up the spikes and looking to make it inside. The athletic wonder caught the attention of a Carnage Sister who aimed to shoot the bird out of the sky...only to have its arms hacked open by Shona! Ever the opportunist, the knight exploited the moment perfectly to launch her assault on the robotic oppressors. Within moments, the quiet hospital area erupted into open warfare. Daimyon had no idea what to do with himself in the chaos when suddenly more spikes sprung up from beneath him and trapped him in a small cell. The same fate befell most of the other Infinites, but Felix and Shona—the saviours!—kept up their valiant fight. As the poet watched the scene unfold, inspiration struck. Of course, what else was more inspiring than being trapped in a warzone and seeing blood...well, metal parts and various fluids fly? He felt a sudden rush of determination: this occasion called for real-time chronicling! [color=SeaGreen]“Woe were us, gloom befell and all was sour!”[/color] he began out loud, though how much he was heard was another matter—the scene was buzzing with the noise of everyone else. [color=SeaGreen]“When like a divine light, appeared the runner!”[/color] [centre][color=SeaGreen][i]Dashing in his speed and grace and dashing Over spikes and grates, he went! To the left, Felix! Twist, twirl, turn! It is almost time for the descent![/i][/color][/centre] His exclamation in the third line was actually him trying to warn the Infinite of a shooting-up spike. It fit in wondrously however—ah, the magic of poetry! [centre][color=SeaGreen][i]A new hero rises to aid the troubled Gallant knight, fury in her eyes! A panther against the bear! Go, Shona, give them hell! How strong, how deft! A hack, a slash, a cleave, a dash— A deadly package! Her opponents charge one after the other All fall! And yet she stands! Bloodied, bruised, barraged with blasts But unbound, unbroken, unfettered, [b]untethered![/b][/i][/color][/centre] His energy grew with every said word, in the end he was practically shouting. A similar spirit enveloped others—those not too petrified to even breathe—and the group cheered their two heroes who seemed unbeatable. Indeed, the battle would be over soon...just not in the way they imagined. [centre][color=SeaGreen][i]He leaps, he flies, he lands! Hurry Felix, unhand that man! Freedom is so close now... But oh no! The cunning bear strikes Again and finds flesh for his spikes! Someone, help him! Help them both! This is no fate for a hero![/i][/color][/centre] He cried out when seeing Felix collapse after being pierced in the shoulder, but with everyone locked up in their respective cages, there was no one to attend to his injuries. Meanwhile, Shona was locked in a desperate struggle against Monokuma...when suddenly the wall of spikes parted on one side and gave way to... [centre][color=SeaGreen][i]A new challenger rises to meet the knight! What a monstrosity! An abomination! Iron hoofs pound on the floor In rushes the soulless centaur! Fearsome foe, this! How will she deal—[/i][/color][/centre] His mind's rolling flow was cut short by his own shocked gasp. All his creativity shut down as the new, terrifying robot rammed its long spear straight through Shona's chest and pinned her to the wall. The brutal assault caught the knight—and everyone else—completely unprepared and a dreadful silence set in once again. Daimyon saw the bizarre beauty in the scene: everyone heard the heroic Shona's last words as she breathed her last, knowing that she would be remembered forever for her sacrifice. A knight's way of life...a knight's way of death. Once the spike cages lowered around everyone, the poet made a few uncertain, then more resolute steps towards the fallen Shona, crouching down to her. There was no doubt here: she no longer emanated the permeating sense of life. Stinging death took its place. Daimyon closed his eyes and cleared his almost-hoarse throat. [centre][color=SeaGreen][i]The flame rose to the highest heights Where it was snuffed in cold blood May it burn eternal in the heavens This flame that will never be forgot.[/i][/color][/centre]