[i]Excellent. Excellent.[/i] Lucas could hear all sorts of noises around him, though it was taxing to try and make out what exactly they were. The sounds of something mechanical; churning, clanking, and hissing around him, or… maybe some things…? Without warning, his eye was forced opened, light flooding into his sight around a dark silhouette. It was intense and painful, as if he had awoken from a prolonged slumber. That was hardly the case though… His eye shut, allowing a moment of relief from the stinging light… [i]Sight and consciousness. Brilliant![/i] Sight… consciousness… where exactly was he? Lucas struggled compose himself, regaining his sense of self from his dreamy, dazed state. Slowly, he forced himself to open his eyes, the light stinging to him once more, though this time Lucas could bare through it. It only took a moment for his eyes to adjust, the light becoming less and less intense until he could make out a dim light about him. Hardly what he expected, though he paid it no mind. After letting his eyes dart around for a moment, looking around in what he could only descried as some sort of pod, it was time that Lucas attempted movement. Though easier said than done, he first hoisted his head up, placing his arms in position before finally forcing his upper half upward. It was hardly by much, but Lucas had positioned himself just enough to make out the surrounding area; a dimly lit room, rusty and oil stained, lined with all sorts off pods similar to his own. “Where in the world…?” Lucas muttered, trying to make sense of how he could possibly end up in a place such as this. At the very least though, it appeared that Lucas was not alone, making out other figures in the capsules around him, but more so his attention was drawn to the man lurking around the room and inspecting each and every pod. The sand hair man seemed to be taking notes of some sort, which was more than a little unsettling given the mystery behind Lucas’s whereabouts. For a moment, Lucas opened his mouth to speak, but something stopped him as he felt his throat close up. He could feel a sort of anxiety fill him, not necessarily from speaking to the man, but more so the answer he may give. He was not sure he really wanted to know the answer.