[color=indianred][h1][b][center]Arthur Collins[/center][/b][/h1][/color][hr][center][hider=Arthur Collins][img]http://images.designntrend.com/data/images/full/84239/iwan-rheon.jpg?w=780[/img][/hider][/center] [center]Interacting With : No one[/center][hr] Arthur put down his cup of coffee as he listened to the news. Today he was at his main office doing some paperwork before leaving for the funeral, but his mind wasn't very focused right now. He pushed himself away from his desk and picked up the phone on his desk. He sat there thinking for a while contemplating what to do. After a moment he finally decided what his course of action would be. He called his secretary and when she answered he said, [color=indianred]"Mrs. Garrison, after the funeral could you get me a list of all the PI's within 100 miles of Dixie Inn."[/color] "Yes sir. I will do just that, but don't you think that is a little far?" [color=indianred]"Maybe, but if they are good enough I will compensate them."[/color] "Alright then. Are you going to the funeral, sir?" Arthur looked at his watch then answered, [color=indianred]"Yes, I feel I should pay my respects. Losing someone is a horrible thing. Especially this way."[/color] After that Arthur soon finished the conversation with his secretary. He collected his things then finished his coffee placing the mug back over at the coffee machine in his office. Mrs. Garrison would clean that when she arrived, and he needed to go. Walking out of the office he made his way towards the exit. Once outside he looked around and breathed in the very familiar air. However, with recent events it didn't quite smell as familiar as it use to. Within this town was something dark. Festering into a kind of danger that no one should ever deal with. Just the probability that it would happen in a place like this was highly unlikely. It was unfortunate, but the town needed to get through with this funeral soon so that focus could be set to resolving this issue. Arthur walked to his car and then began driving in the direction of where the funeral would be held.