[@GarlandDaHero] HOLD UP WHAT? SETO KAIBA-PROFESSIONAL RICH KID AND POKEMON CHAMPION DIANTHA HAVE A KID AND THAT'S THE DIVINE DRAGON ORACLE HERSELF!? HOLY MOLEY! Excuse the caps lock there, just my inner geek screaming because I have played games and watched shows with every single one of those three in it and it triggers me so bad. Just kidding. I'll admit though, I feel slightly conflicted having Tiki in a Yu-Gi-Oh! thing, but that's my problem, not anyone else's. That being said and all, feel free to ignore it, I'd appreciate that. And I would like to debate my Guardian, but on a faster, direct-chat environment for the sake of speed, if you don't mind. (So anyway, I'll play Walhart, then >:D (Walhart Masterrace))