[hr][center][h3][color=darkgoldenrod]STAR ORPHANS:[/color][/h3] CHARACTER CREATION[/center][hr] (picture of appearance goes here) Name: Age: Physical Description: (basic details about the size and shape of your character) Race: (Anything except a Toliathian of course) Gender: Specialty: (An ability or talent that will prove useful on board the Delilah. [u]Navigation, Hacking, Communication, and Ship Engineer are taken[/u]) Likes: Dislikes: Inventory: (To keep the clutter on board the Delilah to a minimum, you're limited to a maximum of 8 items) Bio: (The Toliath invasion happened in a timescale of 10 years and they've been running Ignatius Galaxy ever since. What was your life like before you decided to run away? Who or what did you leave behind?) Miscellaneous: (To show that you've been paying attention, go ahead and put your character's favorite quote in this section, as well as anything else you'd want to add that the other sections didn't cover) [hr][center][h3][color=darkgoldenrod]STAR ORPHANS:[/color][/h3] ALIEN RACES[/center][hr] [hider=Exudan][center][img]http://www.stellariswiki.com/images/3/3b/Reptilian_slender_01.png[/img][/center] The Exudan are as ancient as they come. Some say they were the first and only species to have witnessed the final birth stages of Ignatius. This fact has lead many to wonder if they're actually from here. The Exudan are responsible for many of the galaxy's technological advances. Most notably, the space gateways which allow instant access across the stars. They pioneered a joint alliance with other technologically advanced species from surrounding clusters, forming what would eventually be known as the United Systems Core. Since the Toliath invasion, many of them have gone missing. Reports indicate that they've even abandoned their home systems in the Gideus Sphere. Gordri Faux, the leader of the United Systems Core, is the only known Exudan that hasn't abandoned Ignatius. [b]Facts:[/b] Exudan are a lanky sort with an average height somewhere between 8 and a half, to 9 feet tall. They have large almond-shaped black eyes with no nostrils. These slender reptilian like beings have transparent skin that reveals their internal biology. Exudans are very insecure about this and often wear long robes or garments to cover this attribute. Their lifespan is ridiculously long, but despite that, they show no signs of mental or physical deterioration. They identify their gender as one sex, and communicate strictly through telepathy. They can even go as far as implanting visual imagery within another species' mind, sharing memories and even dreams without a virtual simulator device. [b][b]Perspective:[/b][/b] The galactic community views Exudans as saintly beings. Some races believe them to be gods or angels and treat them as such. Many take advantage of this, even have gone as far as ruling young civilizations for entertainment. [/hider] [hider=Arctori][center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/1zjmheBcLlBcP12G6wSMy_S5DDc=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre05/e4f0/th/pre/f/2014/206/e/9/alien_head_concept_2_the_brade_by_zarnala-d7rwaxk.png[/img][/center] The Arctori are a proud warrior race from the Wayshield. Their technology, culture, and lifestyle is a complete contrast to how the rest of the galaxy is run. They are able to harness the elements in a way that can only be described as magic. Talismans, imbued jewelry, and rare ores and metals amplify these in ways that can boggle the mind. While the Arctori trust no one, they respect the Exudan, for they have been among their kind since their genesis. Whether or not the Exudan contributed to their use of magic remains a mystery. Yet despite the Arctori's reverence for the ancient beings, they did not yield to their United Systems Core when they demanded to set up outposts within the Wayshield. This inevitably started a cold war between the two factions. If the Tolathians hadn't invaded Ignatius, the USC and the Arctori would have engaged in an all out war, no doubt the lesser of two evils. The Arctori fought hard against the Tolathians, harder than any other cluster or federation. Their backwards use of tech made it difficult for the invaders to compromise their systems. In the end, the Tolathians overwhelmed their defenses and massacred their planets. Surviving Arctori and their followers abandoned the Wayshield and became nomads drifting aimlessly across Ignatius. [b]Info:[/b] The Arctori are known for having long tentacles attached to their heads. They share the average height of other humanoids, but are built tough with a muscular density that can act as armor. Their skin color can range from a variety of hues. There is not one skin tone that supersedes all. Status is based entirely on their merit in combat, or use in the mystic arts. While the rest of the galaxy uses spaceships with hyperdrive engines and plasma guns, the Arctori have living spaceships that they breed, and use specialized melee weapons. The breeding process for the ships are complicated. They can take up to many years, but the final product is worth it. They can heal damaged areas on their own, and can seamlessly adjust to all different types of terrains and atmospheres. Their weapons are like that of medieval sword and shield, with the bow being the only sort of firearm at their disposal. The unique properties of these weapons lie within their imbued metals, as they are able to slash out waves of energy from their blades, or concentrate said energies onto their shields to absorb more damage. Armor is imbued as well, which can enhance their agility and even allow them to fly, or operate in space. Before the Tolathians, the Arctori ran the Wayshield, and had a number of other alien races under their banner as well. [b]Perspective:[/b] The Arctori are treated like urban legends within the galactic community, now more than ever, since they've scattered across Ignatius. Despite the common enemy in the Tolathians, United Systems Core races are still hostile towards Arctori, as well as the other alien races that were under their banner. [/hider]